Courses matching your search criteria

The Nature And Science Of Food (DFN 120)

Code: 01LB - 47989
Days: M
Time: 4:00PM - 5:50PM -
Location: Gillette Hall 425 GI-425
Instructor: Y MARTE
Code: OM1C - 45933
Days: T
Time: 10:30AM - 12:20PM -
Location: online OS ONLINE-OS
Instructor: L SAMUEL

Foods, Society, And Health (DFN 220)

Code: 02LB - 54667
Days: Th
Time: 12:00PM - 2:40PM -
Location: Gillette Hall 425 GI-425
Instructor: M LANDAVERDE
Code: 02LC - 54666
Days: Th
Time: 9:00AM - 11:40AM -
Location: Gillette Hall 418 GI-418
Instructor: M LANDAVERDE
Code: 03LB - 56841
Days: T
Time: 6:00PM - 8:40PM -
Location: Gillette Hall 425 GI-425
Instructor: M LANDAVERDE
Code: 03LC - 56842
Days: T
Time: 4:00PM - 5:40PM -
Location: Gillette Hall 418 GI-418
Instructor: M LANDAVERDE
Code: CAN1 - 45433
Days: T
Time: 6:00PM - 8:40PM -
Location: online OS ONLINE-OS
Code: CAN2 - 45904
Days: T
Time: 4:00PM - 5:40PM -
Location: Gillette Hall 425 GI-425

Nutritional Biochemistry (DFN 244)

Code: OM01 - 46115
Days: Sa
Time: 9:00AM - 11:40AM -
Location: online OS ONLINE-OS
Instructor: L SAMUEL

Nutritional Biochem Laboratory (DFN 245)

Code: HA01 - 46114
Days: W
Time: 11:00AM - 12:50PM -
Location: Gillette Hall 430 GI-430
Instructor: L SAMUEL

Nutrition In Health Care (DFN 248)

Code: 01 - 46065
Days: M
Time: 10:00AM - 12:40PM -
Location: Gillette Hall 201 GI-201
Instructor: A PLUNKETT

Qnty Food Proc & Prd (DFN 330)

Code: HX01 - 45874
Days: M
Time: 2:00PM - 4:40PM -
Location: Gillette Hall 319 GI-319

Comm. Nutrition & Food Justice (DFN 340)

Code: XT81 - 45894
Days: T
Time: 6:00PM - 8:40PM -
Location: Gillette Hall 418 GI-418
Instructor: K MURRAY

Nutrition Throughout Life Cyc (DFN 341)

Code: HX81 - 45939
Days: M
Time: 6:00PM - 8:40PM -
Location: Gillette Hall 411 GI-411
Code: OM01 - 45937
Days: Th
Time: 10:30AM - 1:10PM -
Location: online OS ONLINE-OS
Instructor: L SAMUEL

Introduction To Diet Therapy (DFN 347)

Code: HS81 - 46109
Days: T
Time: 6:00PM - 8:40PM -
Location: Gillette Hall 201 GI-201
Instructor: S KEATLEY

Nutrition In Mgmt Of Disease (DFN 348)

Code: XW81 - 46029
Days: W
Time: 6:00PM - 8:40PM -
Location: Gillette Hall 418 GI-418
Instructor: A PLUNKETT

Research Methods In Nutrition (DFN 369)

Code: OA01 - 46066
Time: -
Location: online AS ONLINE-AS
Instructor: H LUESSE

Mgmnt Dietetic Servc (DFN 430)

Code: OA01 - 45754
Time: -
Location: online AS ONLINE-AS
Instructor: S BATHEJA
Code: OA02 - 56214
Time: -
Location: online AS ONLINE-AS
Instructor: S BATHEJA

Nutrition Education&counseling (DFN 437)

Code: CAN1 - 46148
Days: T
Time: 6:00PM - 8:40PM -
Location: online OS ONLINE-OS
Code: S301 - 46149
Days: M
Time: 11:00AM - 1:40PM -
Location: Gillette Hall 411 GI-411
Instructor: K SCHWARZ

Sem In Prof Prac-nutrn & Diet (DFN 441)

Code: HS01 - 46105
Days: T
Time: 1:00PM - 2:40PM -
Location: Gillette Hall 327 GI-327
Instructor: T AMMETER

Advanced Nutrition (DFN 445)

Code: HS01 - 45979
Days: Th
Time: 2:00PM - 4:40PM -
Location: Gillette Hall 418 GI-418
Instructor: S KEATLEY

Nutrition Mgmt Of Disease Ii (DFN 448)

Code: M301 - 45955
Days: T
Time: 9:00AM - 11:40AM -
Location: Gillette Hall 430 GI-430
Instructor: A PLUNKETT

Fld Exp-food Ser Mgt (DFN 470)

Code: OA01 - 45987
Time: -
Location: online AS ONLINE-AS
Instructor: M LANDAVERDE

Fld Exp Clinc Nutrtn (DFN 471)

Code: OA01 - 45901
Time: -
Location: online AS ONLINE-AS
Instructor: M STOPLER

Fld Exp-commun Nutri (DFN 472)

Code: OA01 - 45929
Time: -
Location: online AS ONLINE-AS
Instructor: M LANDAVERDE

Nutrition Counseling (DFN 637)

Code: HX81 - 46112
Days: W
Time: 6:00PM - 8:40PM -
Location: Gillette Hall 429 GI-429

Pub Hlth&commnt Nutr (DFN 641)

Code: HS81 - 45721
Days: Th
Time: 6:00PM - 8:40PM -
Location: Gillette Hall 203 GI-203
Instructor: A CAPPADONA

Sports Nutrition (DFN 642)

Code: HS01 - 57064
Days: W
Time: 3:00PM - 5:40PM -
Location: Apex 228 AP-228
Instructor: F KHAN

Supervised Prof Practice (DFN 730)

Code: OA01 - 45984
Time: -
Location: online AS ONLINE-AS
Instructor: M STOPLER
Code: OA01 - 45984
Time: -
Location: online AS ONLINE-AS
Instructor: S PUELLO

Cncpts/mthds Dietetics Pract (DFN 731)

Code: HS81 - 45805
Days: T
Time: 6:00PM - 8:40PM -
Location: Gillette Hall 429 GI-429
Instructor: S PUELLO
Code: HS81 - 45805
Days: T
Time: 6:00PM - 8:40PM -
Location: Gillette Hall 429 GI-429
Instructor: M STOPLER